
Chhota bheem games online
Chhota bheem games online

chhota bheem games online

  • Each row contains 10 cells & when you fill in a row completely it is removed from the board, causing you to score 100 points and earn 5 coins.
  • The goal of this game is to make complete horizonal lines with no empty spaces in them.
  • chhota bheem games online

  • The level select screen shows which levels you have unlocked in a brighter red background.
  • chhota bheem games online

  • Next the game shows your coin savings & then the 3 power ups you can activate using your coin savings.
  • Under the game score it shows how many lines you have left to reach the level goal and beat the level.
  • Your cumulative game score is at the top of the right columns.
  • Press the down arrow key to move the piece down faster than normal.
  • chhota bheem games online

    Press the right arrow key to move the piece right.Press the left arrow key to move the piece left.Press the up arrow key to rotate the piece clockwise 90 degrees.The upper right corner of the welcome screen has a sound control button.The welcome screen has story and how to play help buttons next to the play button.Press the Play button in the lower left corner of the welcome screen to bring up the level select screen.Reach the level line goal on each stage before the pieces reach the top of the board. Use LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys, and SPACEBAR to jump.Completely fill in rows with pieces to remove them from the board. Help your friend run as fast as possible, by alternating LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys, to gain speed, and then you need to press SPACEBAR, so that you make him him as far as possible Let's see how much can you jump, kids, and also, help your friend win this amazingly fun game, in which he is the main character, as always. Today, Chota Bheem has organized a fun running and jumping game competition, only for kids, and you are going to have to help him win this competition he invented. In Dholakpur, Chota's village, there aren't that many things one can doo, that is why Chota Bheem comes up with all these fun games to play, because he wants to have fun all the time, and he wants to keep the villagers busy. We all know that Chota Bheem, the cute nine year old boy from Dholakpur, always comes up with the best funny games for you kids to play, that is why he is perhaps one of your beloved and favorite cartoon characters and main characters from our site too.

    Chhota bheem games online